Welcome to Nizar Fares Global Ministry

  • Is a trusted non-profit tax-exempt organization | (TAX ID 82-2622212)

Our Mission and Goals

We believe music and the encouraging Word of truth are essential to human life and spiritual growth. Music has the power to call forth the best in human beings, inspiring awareness and action when artists and audiences work together. Combined with the Word of God, there is power in presenting the God of the word.

NFGM is a “Musicianary-led” initiative by Nizar Fares, empowering both missionaries and musicians, who desire to use their God-given gifts to further civic justice and bridge-building while bringing the hope of the Gospel. Helping to relieve local and global hunger for Peace and reconciliation, our goal is to assist in creating social models applicable in every community. Through Worship Events, Concerts and Recitals we're raising resources and awareness in the fight against hostility and atrocity, and share the unconditional love of Christ.

An early—and continued—guiding principle is to recognize that this ministry seeks to serve an Audience of One. Our goal is to serve God and glorify Him rather than seeking praise from man. Our desire is to introduce the people to the God we serve, through hymns, songs, prayers, and the sharing of each other’s life experiences interwoven throughout the evening. We seek God’s glory and praise Him for His work in our lives.

Presided over by Nizar Fares, NFGM is guided by its board of trustees of five faithful members. A big team has been helping tangibly since this ministry started 18 years ago. Now with NFGM, we envision going further with an even larger team of volunteers and members - devoted Christians and talented individuals, entrusted with duties such as: Projects Management, IT, Graphic Design, Media and Social Media Management, Spiritual Retreats, Food Pantries, and Charitable Events.

Christian Values

In addition to musical, spiritual and educational contributions, from the beginning, NFGM has assisted the poor, the sick and the homeless. Though, we have no facility, we've been able to channel critical aid through our networks. NFGM philanthropy projects began in 2002 during Christmas and Easter Seasons. Even when conflicts created crisis in the Middle East, the ability to operate from the USA presented opportunities to serve close to the front lines of the the need.

Many new immigrants need assistance and encouragement in getting settled in their new surroundings. We connecting with local organizations to help new comers fit best in. Internationally, we are burdened to visit more camps and concentrations of displaced people in the Middle East - in Iraq, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt. Simultaneously, God is opening doors in Europe - in Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Austria and others. Through prayers and fruitful networking, we've succeeded in helping families to legally relocate into safer shelters. The work set ahead of us is huge.

Today, each of us invited to make a potential world-changing choice and experience; ”The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Luke 10: 2. While we've just given you a short history of the ministry, it is the inner work God is doing within each person that is necessary to prepare us for the war, which is becoming exponentially - spiritually and physically. We are witnessing an unprecedented expression of evil in people. More than ever, we are called to witness for Jesus - the manifestation of God in flesh!

While training and equipping young students, we confess we are far from being heroes, but remember that heroes were one day just like us!".

If extremist groups are fighting today amped up by hatred, our battle fueled by the Holy Spirit -the Living God! For that reason, we never fear fighting on the frontline! That's what NFGM has been doing for the last couple of years communicating biblical belief through mainly Arabic-speaking people.

Honoring Identity

Through working to preserve ethnicity and roots. NFGM reaches to mainly Arab Christian communities in the Middle East and around the globe. They are an estimated 12 million still in their lands or have been subjected to relocations, plus 40 million around the world (1).

NFGM also serves the other trans-Arab communities (Kurdish, Turkish, Persian, etc…) and other Far-Eastern, European and American communities. Most of our musical worship materials are translated and transliterated accordingly to these native languages when invited - and introduced in concerts and conferences.

NFGM is reaching deeply to the old generations as well as the third, fourth and fifth generations. Embracing Christians from Arab countries, we encourage individual and communities to:

  • Preserve their native language, as a valued part of their heritage,
  • Sustain the ethnic roots be they Syriac Catholic & Orthodox, Coptic, Chaldeans, Maronites, Assyrians, Greek Catholic & Orthodox, etc. by maintaining local languages, customs and social rites.
  • Introduce Christian values within their own ethnical approach to younger generations by songs we offer in addition to other resources and materials (Visit Section 'Tongues of Songs' to know more of this free valuable resource).
  • Educate and sensitize other communities in the hosting countries to the existence of so-called “Christian-Arabs”.

The Language of Music

The Language of Music connects us with our global family in a simple, sober and eloquent way. Music was mainly the medium by which we operated, today it remains the major component in communicating our vision and goals. Not any kind of music, but that which is purposeful in humanitarian causes. Music that delivers of Christian morals addressing social topics like addiction, abortion, identity, principles, human conducts, etc.

NFGM music targets all ages - from preschoolers to “post-lifers”! Conceived in authentic Middle Eastern “maqam” (scales) and “iqah” (rhythms), in Fusion styles, even in Western pop, Jazz, or Classical styles, the music produced at NFGM has always been created by talented professionals.

Over our 18 years history, music education has been one of our top priorities. Thus, our music schools have become a natural outgrowth to achieve this objective (visit www.DooZhen.com).

“Watar” (means a musical string) was implemented in 2007, and “DooZhen” (which means tune-up) in 2011 - these two music schools were devoted for teaching music, conducting choirs, and holding workshops. Blogging, writing articles, lecturing at academic establishments were additional practical steps to reach our music educational goals.

Many Musical educational engagements have happened in the MENA area. By 2013, over 2500 students were enrolled for individual music sessions, more than 90 choirs were engaged in rehearsing to perform in Artwork Albums launching, School concerts, Workshops, and over 1800 live Christian concerts globally! As of today, we are praising God having conducted more than 2250 Worship Events.

As mentioned above, some of our artworks (audios and videos) appeal to adult audiences, but a whole music production embraces children, who retain a large and special place in our hearts at NFGM. We aspire to bring up great citizens for the better Global Public Square through raising awareness and growing human values. At the same time, we hope to encourage and empower young children to assume their childhoods rights and embrace their liberty. We have written and composed hundreds of songs to achieve these goals - most to be printed on our "Kids Music Player" and distributed to 20,000 refugee children. With your help as well, we are gladly sustaining "Overseas Sponsoring Program for Talented Displaced Children and Teenagers" in different Middle Eastern Countries. Click here to learn more!