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Back from Turkey

  • 01 May, 2018

One of our ministry goals -now made more possible through NFGM- is to keep vivid in our thoughts and actions what Jesus said to the sheep on His right in Mathiew 25:34-40. We arrived home from a blissful mission trip to Turkey. Our trip has been richer this year, with beautiful memories and great testimonies, especially that for the first time, we opened NFGM field trips to faithful volunteers. We were blessed by having Aline A. - from Montreal, a hardworking lady invested in her job, and well versed in her church kids ministry, who decided to pause her hebdomadal life to step into the field, outside of her comfort zone, to serve the most needy. Also blessed by and Mariane G. -a mother of a young teenager-, feeling the urge to serve, she left her family and joined NFGM overseas. 

A hectic mission?! definitely! But worth the tiredness. We were overwhelmed by the Lord's omnipresence. He was overshadowing the long driving hours, day and night from and to Istanbul (a total of 2249Km visiting Sakarya, Düzce, Bilecik, Afyon,  Kersehir, Amasya, and Samsun, then driving back to Istanbul), moving from one district to another, arriving to one city, visiting, serving, praying then leaving to the next one...

Everywhere we go, local choirs were encouraged to join and enjoy worshipping with us. Therefore, we practiced songs to prepare our hearts and minds - the goal - for all to receive the Lord's greatest blessing. On this trip - like the year's one- we had many choir joining us in praise. And we had the great opportunity to listen to the children choir in Bilecik.

What a privilege for all of us to be partaking in educating these exquisite talents! NFGM - with your support - is the first ministry to invest musically in gifted refugee children through 'The Overseas Sponsoring Program for Talented Displaced Children and Youth'. What a pleasure to see them blossoming and growing their talents for His glory! please Click Here. To learn more about this program, please visit our Projects.

This time in Turkey, and with the help of the accompanying team of volunteers, we could put together a puppet show for our beloved kids. And to share with them God's love through music and theater. In every town, worship and prayers were our top priority, and on this mission we invested more in renting places to bring our people together, than in giving away in food stamps...