Welcome to Nizar Fares Global Ministry

  • Is a trusted non-profit tax-exempt organization | (TAX ID 82-2622212)

Meals for a refugee camps

Fact: With your help, we have fed 450 families at a refugee camp in Athens. So grateful for you!

The idea is not just providing food! It is encouraging local displaced community to cooperate with us, serve and help themselves. Having a lot of Middle Eastern in our NFGM team, and coming from a history of wars and displacements, we learnt - the hard way - that when you stop treating yourself as a victim (even if you are!), you clear the dust on your shoulders and start to rise up for a brighter future!

Cooking in a Refugee Concentration in Athens

Fact: Most displaced people are dealing with emotional breakdowns, such as traumas and depressions. Encouraging them to do something for themselves is distracting from their daily circumstances, even the simplest activity becomes a window of joy!

Fact: You can feed a whole refugee concentration of 450 families for 800 Euros ($950).


Refugees enjoying their meals

For couple of hours, we were serving hot meals with joy!