Is a trusted non-profit tax-exempt organization | (TAX ID 82-2622212)
Welcome to Nizar Fares Global Ministry
Welcome to Nizar Fares Global Ministry
Is a trusted non-profit tax-exempt organization | (TAX ID 82-2622212)
We need you! In additional to your faithful prayers, NFGM covets your zealous action! As we expand our projects, serving in multiple countries among many ethnicities, languages and ages, we need more volunteers as workers in the field.
If you love to serve, if you have a heart to make a difference, if you believe all people have the right to coexist regardless of background, religion, gender or race, if your compassion moves you to act - please apply to assist in the following areas of expertise. Can you be a: Video editors, media producer, grant writer, public relations communicator, field photographer, project director, fundraising director. Your skills are needed and will be appreciated!
To join us, kindly fill out the form. Thank you for your interest in serving with NFGM. We commit to make your volunteering a life changing experience!
We need you! In addition to your faithful prayers, NFGM covets your zealous action! As we expand our projects, serving in multiple countries among many ethnicities, languages and ages.